This journey of a life with chronic pain can seem long and bumpy. Oftentimes, we do not seem to be finding the joy in our life that is now filled with aches, constant pain, and fatigue. In the midst, of all of the for mentioned issues dare we discuss the perfect way to find joy in the journey? There is a hope even in the overwhelming path of chronic pain. Let’s find joy in the journey today by looking at three ways that are the perfect map.
Gratitude Refocuses Our Attitude
In 2011, then blogger, Ann Voskamp, published a book entitled One Thousand Gifts. That book became a New York Times Bestseller and sparked a movement of people around the world counting their blessings. I had followed Ann for years on her blog. Like many followers, I had been moved by her writings and I longed for the book to arrive on my door step. Quickly consuming the pages of words, I found myself grabbing a pen and a notebook. My Gratitude Journal began, and I counted that year like so many people did my 1000 gifts list .
I was around 10 or 11 years into my Fibromyalgia journey which was frustrating and overwhelming with young children and no answers or relief of the pain. Ann’s challenge was a recipe of hope for me. My eyes were opened to God’s amazing grace. The life that I was given and living was one full of joy. Did my pain vanish or the healing from chronic pain end? No, but my attitude refocused with gratitude.
Prayer Changes Things
My attitude needed an adjustment that year, but one thing I also know from a life of walking with Jesus is that prayer changes things. The perfect way to find joy in the journey is learning that in the highs and lows of this life Jesus is as close as a conversation. Over the years, praying and talking with God through my life circumstances have been a life line. God doesn’t always answer with a “yes” or a healing in my way, but He is always faithful. He is my constant, and He doesn’t fail. God is with me throughout the journey whether it is my fibromyalgia journey, rearing my children, my marriage, finances, losing my parents, my mother-in-law, or joyful times of praise.
Prayer can seem daunting to some people. It is a conversation with our friend Jesus. We are able to take our cares, praises, confessions, and request to Him. He hears our prayers and we draw closer to Him. We see His hand at work in our life and know that He is answering. Our prayers change things and sometimes that means it sometimes changes things in us.
The Final Perfect Way to Find Joy in the Journey
The final perfect way to find joy in the journey is in Scripture. God’s Word is alive and active. It is written for us today, and is there to change our lives. When we dig into the Word of God then we find His answers to our prayers, and our questions. Hiding His word in our hearts is what brings joy to our journey. The hope that we need on our path of chronic pain or any situation that we are facing. There is no situation that God did not experience or see. He does not leave us or forsake us. Daily reading God’s Word helps us learn His promises and truth. Writing or journaling these Words allows us to know the Word deeper in our hearts.
The Three Perfect Ways to Find Joy in the Journey
There are many ways one can look for joy in their journey through chronic pain. This look focuses on three perfect ways to find joy in the journey. The first thing to remember is that gratitude changes your attitude, and the next perfect way to find joy is knowing that prayer changes things. Simply chatting with God makes a difference. The final way to find joy in the journey is in Scriptures. Reading God’s Word and hiding it in your heart. These three perfect ways of finding joy are a way that I have refocused myself from my chronic pain. We have a community of Joyful Journey friends on Facebook who are walking this chronic pain life out together. We would love to have you join us over there. Just send me a message and I can send you the link to join us!