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Why is it that this brain of mine can remember every verse of a song that comes on my 80’s on 8 channel? This same brain struggles to remember the Scriptures verses that I am trying to commit to memory? I mean at one point I was a top Bible drill participant and I could wield the sword of the Spirit with confidence.
With this reality in mind, I am finding ways to help my memory. There are 5 things that I require in my hiding God’s Word in my heart.
The number one item is obvious, but I want to clarify it a bit. You need a Bible. The clarification is that you need a Bible that you can read and understand. This phrase is used in our church weekly as we pass out Bibles to those in need. We encourage you to keep the loaned Bible if you do not have one that you can read and understand. We want you in the Word and what better way than a copy that is easy to comprehend.
A beginning translation that is easy to understand is the New Living Bible. This is the version that our church chooses to use and give to people who want to begin their reading journey. I prefer the New International Version which is the version I grew up reading and studying. I also like to study the English Standard Version.For your study, you need to check out versions that are easy for you to read and understand, once you do that then you are more likely to be eager to dig into the Word.
My second item is a good pen. My family knows that we have pens, and then there are Mama’s Bible pens. I use the
They are archival ink so they don’t yellow your page over time. I also like that they do not bleed on my page. I pick a color for the year then change the following year to distinguish between the difference. I use a different pen for note taking. My favorite is
I think I own these in many colors, but black is my favorite go to color for note taking.
If I am taking notes then I need a good notebook. I love the This style is compact so I can keep these in my Bible to carry to church. I find a colorful pack and it usually last me for the year of sermon note taking. I also have been writing a scripture verse a day and using these notebooks.
I spend extra on my pens and notebooks, but I hit the dollar store for index cards. Index cards that are lined come in packets of 500 for not much expense. If you are practicing your handwriting skills then grab your colored pens and use unlined cards to make the cards more creative.
Lastly, I love sticky notes. These also can be found in all shapes, sizes and colors. The dollar store can also make this item an inexpensive purchase. I put my Scripture filled stickies on my mirror, car dash, & to mark my Bible.
These are my 5 go to items for Scripture memory. These tools in my tool chest help to put Scripture before my mind. The more we have His Word in front of us then the more we can hide it in our hearts.