You are facing the unexpeced diagnosis. Symptoms, medications, limitations that you are not anticipating have become the hat normal in your life. The chronic illness that you did not want to be the anwer for you has now become your reality. What is the effortless way to know God is in control?
Knowing God is in control can be easy and daunting at the same time. I have heard it said that we are 18 inches from heaven which is the distance from the head to the heart. This statement sums up the previous one. Knowing God is in control is easy vs. daunting is just a difference in 18 inches.
The Best Effortless Way to Know God is in Control
The best effortless way to know God is in control of all circumstances is to know God. When we know that God is who He says that He is, and He will do what He says He will do then we can trust that God is in control. You may ask yourself, how do I know God when I can not see Him or hear Him? Knowing God is like knowing your spouse or your best friend.

In order to know someone we must spend time with them. Think back to the moment you first met your spouse or the beginning of a dating relationship. Those early days of meeting this person you enjoyed their company and wanted to get to know them better so you began to spend all the time you could with them. Time spent in building this relationship was magical and you learned more and more about this person which made you love them greater and want to know them more.
Our Relationship with God is the Same
When we first come to understand that God loves us and cares about us, we want to know more about who He is. We begin to soak Him in by being in community with other Christians, by studying His Word, through prayer, and through worship. This spending time with God allows us to know Him more. Once we know Him more then we begin to understand who He is and what promises He gives to us. God’s Word is full of promises that direct us to trusting and knowing He is in control of all things.
We see in Proverbs 19, that we can make plans, but God’s purposes are the ones that stand.
Many are the plans in the mind of a man,
but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.
Proverbs 19:21 ESV
We make all the plans we want to, but in the end God is in control. He knows the end of our stories. Every one of our days has been written in His book. He wants us to walk in relationship with Him to trust that He is in control and working it out for our good.
The Second Effortless Way to Knowing God is in Control
When faced with the uncertainties of this life, we must talk to Him about our concerns. God is big enough to handle our complaints and cares. He can hear our 1000th time of saying that we are tired of the pain or the fatigue. In Deuteronomy 26, we read about the Israelites coming out of slavery in Egypt. In verses 7-9, we read how they cried to the Lord, He heard their voice and brought them out of Egypt.
We are to call out to God in prayer. He is listenting to us. He will hear our voices. The Eygptians were in the desert waiting on their Promise Land for forty years so I am not saying you get a quick fix or healing, but I am saying He hears you and He answers. Sometimes we receive a yes, sometimes we receive a no and other times we receive a not now from God. The focus is to remember that He is the one in cotrol of all things.
Last Key to Knowing God is in Control
Facing the daunting unknown of chronic illness and pain, we have to let go of our wanting to control everything and let God be the one who controls it all. We must learn to lay down our strongholds that bind us like worry and fear. In trusting God to be in control of the progression of illness or pain, we know that it may not stop, but we do know that He is with us through it all. I shared before of the time where I learned to trust God in a storm of my life, you can read about it here.
Jesus was sinless and took on all of our sins so that we could spend life eternal with God. Because of this act of love and service God knows exactly everything. He is God which means He is omnicent and omnipresent. He knows all things and sees all things. We are not alone. He is with us every step of the journey.
The effortless way to know God is in control is to be in realtionship with Him, talk to Him through prayer, and let go of our strongholds of trying to control our outcome. God is the one in control of everything. The saying is true that we must let go and let God!