There are times in the life of a person who has fibromyalgia that are out right hard. The pain seems endless and a days are long. Life all around you is continuing to spin, but your body says stop. So many days you want to crawl back into bed, cry and focus only on the pain. Today there is hope! The best ways to find unusal joy in pain are here.
It seems a bit like an oximoron to say that you can find joy in the midst of your pain. These are the best ways to find unusual joy in your pain. The first way to find joy is to search the Word. When I spend time in God’s Word, then I find hope in the midst of any situation that I find myself. In John 16 verse 33 we read God’s promise
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33 NIV
Unusual Joy Number 1 to Overcome Pain
God does not promise a life of no trouble in this world, but He says that He has overcome the world. So whatever troubles we face here in this world God has already defeated. This promise brings me joy! I know that He has already overcome it! He has already suffered on the Cross. God knows pain like we are experiencing so share with Him. He has overcome it! You will find that in your sharing with God you will experience a peace that passes all understanding and friend who is closer than a brother in Him.

The next best way to find unusal joy in pain
Find something that you enjoy doing for fun that is a distraction to your pain. Many times we can distract our minds from the constant, annoying, throb of pain that will wreck our body and mind. During the early days of COVID, I taught myself to crochet by watching this You Tube video from Kristin. Crocheting can be done while watching tv, in the car while traveling or having to sit for long periods of time which all can cause my mind to focus on pain. When my mind refocuses on crocheting then I am retraining the brain to think about other things. Reading a good novel does the same thing for my mind. On the days were I am not experiencing brain fog then I can become lost in a great story.
Music is a great way to bring unusual joy
As someone who grew up in a music loving family, it is easy to say that a great way to bring unusual joy in pain is through music. There are different genres of music that bring people joy. For many classical music can be relaxing while others are renewed by classic rock and roll. Choose a genre that suites you, grab ear plugs for your walk or put it on a play list as you do task around the house. Often times I find joy in my pain listening to praise music. Hearing music that praises God and sings of His promises reminds me to be joyful in the midst of whatever I am facing. So many time I say this statement here, but it is true with music as well-it retrains my brain. Music focuses my brain on the joy of Jesus instead of the pain in my body!
Where do you find joy?
Thinking back to the early days of my fibro diagnosis I was drawn to the song by Mercy Me, “Bring the Rain”. I truly felt if my pain drew me closer to God then let it rain. I must say I have grown in my relationship with Him. On my most painful days when I wanted to be with no one else but Him-God was there. On the days when I found that I couldn’t explain what I was experiencing, God was understanding. I still feel like He has been faithful and good even in the hard and difficult days.
Think about what ways do you find yourself experiencing unusual joy? Begin to incorporate one of those into your daily routine today. Before you know it you too may find distraction from the constant pain that can consume our lives as people who suffer from chronic pain. Share with me below in the comments your new distractions! I would love to hear how God is meeting you in the hard places.