10 Gifts for Graduates

It is the season for high school and college graduations. This year we are celebrating both a high school and college graduate. As I began to think of gifts for friends and our graduates, I realized you might want some ideas!

Great Graduation Gift Ideas

  1. A  gift of laundry help- laundry detergent, dryer sheets, quarters & a laundry basket. TJ Maxx and Home Goods had cute ones the other day. Walmart always has an option of the plastic hamper or canvas bag.

  1. Monogrammed towels-I love going by Tuesday Morning or TJ Maxx  to find them one sale. I have a friend who monograms and I give her a bag full every April/May! The perfect gift with an easy way to remember the difference in  your dirty towel or your roomies!
  2. One gift my older girls were given was a car safety kit. They still use this today -post college graduation.
  3. Mini tool kit-These come ready made for pretty inexpensive or you can purchase  individual items like hammer, screwdrivers, plyers, etc in a small plastic bin.
  4. Money-graduates will purchase bedding and supplies for their dorm. Cash is always useful!
  5. Cleaning kit-plastic bucket filled with cleaners, rags, sponges, etc. certainly my children will use it before I visit their dorm room! I use Melaleuca plant based products. These do not contain harmful chemicals. If you are trying to live a healthy lifestyle and what to learn more about Melaleuca products just email me. I would love to share with you.
  6. Gift cards for food-choose popular restaurants in the college town where your recipent is attending school. Maybe local favorite for that town or my graduate would love pizza, Chick-fil-A, local coffee shop, etc.
  7. Journal -my favorite currently are moleskin brand. I buy the lined pages that come in a 3 package of colorful soft backed journals. You can find leather journals, some with inspirational messages, and another favorite for graduates is the One Line a Day Five Year journal. This journal documents their college experience-a great memory keeper!
  8. New Study Bible -Our church uses the New Living Translation. Each week as we read the text in worship, the pastor says “if you don’t have a Bible that you can read and understand please take the copy we let you borrow today.” This translation is easy to understand. Growing up, I read the New International Version. For my study purposes, this is my preferred version to read. I know their are several study options on the market. I have used the Life Application and Ryrie study Bibles over the years. It is easy to get overwhelmed in this search so go to your local Christian bookstore for help.
  9. Underbed storage-the space is limited even in the newer dorm room, so this is a great option for a college student. Scout brand makes a collapsable patterned option. A less expensive under the bed storage is found at Walmart or Bed, Bath and Beyond which is plastic. This helps keep those items that aren’t immediately needed safely hidden!

Or the College Graduate Gifts

  1. Luggage-this  gift helps the grad with the new job where they travel. Our college graduate has recently moved across the country and only owns weekender bags. A large rolling set would help her come home!
  2. An experience. What is your graduates love language? My oldest graduated last year and we took her the night of graduation to a concert to her favorite singer at a cool nearby venue. Be creative to think of something you can do together!
  3. A new computer. College has worn theirs out with all the paper writing, Netflix viewing and Spotify listening.  
  4. Jewelry- a nice watch for your son or necklace for your daughter. Marking this occasion with  a memorable investment piece of jewelry will remind them of their accomplishment.
  5. Money- Again cash talks when you are fresh out of college looking for a job.
  6. Frame their dipolma to hang in their new work space or home office. This gift is one that reminds them of the hard work put into finishing their degree.

I can count and realize you received 6 bonus gift ideas to the  original 10 graduation gift ideas. Do you have gifts that spoke to your child? Please share in the comments….

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