Last week we dove into a look at the best way to live with fibromyalgia. Nutrition was our focus. This week we will take a look at the next approved best way to live with fibromyalgia. This method will be eye opening to most of us living with chronic pain. Exercise is the next approved best way to live with fibromyalgia.
Exercise is an important key to living our best life.
When I read about exercise being important to my life with fibromyalgia, I am not always feeling the same way. The tendency for those of us with chronic pain is to shrink back and rest. There are times where fatigue or pain do not allow for a daily excersize plan. This is where we say that consistency is key. A little movement is better than a sedintary lifestyle.
According to the American Council on Exercise, people need to avoid being sedintary. We cannot all go participate in the same activities as other fibro sufferers therefore we must tailor our routine to fit our bodies. If we were athletic before our diagnosis then it is reasonable to think with time we can regain some of those abilities. If we did not engage in any movement prior to diagnosis then we must find a rythmn that we work towards.
Approved best ways to move while living with fibromyalgia
Everyone can begin to move their bodies with light stretching. As you sit in a chair or lie on your bed you can participate in arm, leg, and neck movements which stretch you. Take care to do 1 set of 8 stretches on each side to begin then in a weeks time move your body more toward increasing the number of sets you can finish.
You can walk every day. It is free and requires a good pair of shoes, non-binding clothing, and 10-15 minutes to begin. The amount of walking can increase as you develop strength and endurance in your cardio efforts. You do not have to be a marathon runner to boost your cardio workouts. Find a used treadmill if necessary to keep you in the routine on rainy or winter days. It is also good to get outside with your cardio workouts. It can not only boost your cardio, but you can get much needed Vitamin D from the sun. Be certain to apply necessary sunscreen to avoid the harmful UVA rays.
Once you gain stamina then look at adding strength training to your movement routine. You can use your own body weight to do pushups against the counter or from the floor. You can participate in a yoga or pilates routine. Use smaller sized weights as you do arm and leg lifts. You are not trying to bulk up just gain muscle. Keep your reps smaller once you begin then move to more as you find your body is strengthened.

How much do I need to move my body?
This question can only be answered by you. The goal is 3-5 days of movement a week is good. There will be some weeks where your body can not move because of a flare. My suggestion is to not beat oneself up over this, but to get back at your routine as quickly as possible. You should always celebrate your wins! Any movement is good for us so let’ s honor our bodies by celebrating what it did today!
Lisa with Living Smarter with Fibromyalgia gives good Pre & Post Fibromyalgia Exercise tips here. These tips help in knowing what is best to do for bodies before and after we move them. The key is to be safe and wise when beginning an exercise routine. Our bodies react differently so we must be more in tune with how to best live with what fibromylagia and chronic fatigue give us.

Approved Best Resources for Exercise for Those Living with Fibromyalgia
Here is a list of great communities that offer approved excersize plans for those living with chronic pain. These communities take care to offer slower paced workouts for those suffering with fibromylgia, chronic fatigue and other chronic pain issues. You should also consult your physican before beginning any new exercise routine.
- Fibro Fit People – this is a facebook page that is run by Lisa of Living Smarter with Fibromyalgia. She offers stretching, strength training and other movements for those suffering with fibro and chronic fatigue. She often has examples of “how to” on her page!
- Autoimmune Strong– is a paid plan that is run by Andrea. She created a workout plan for people with chronic pain. Living with chronic pain herself she shares workouts that work.
- Yoga with Adriene– is a great and easy plan to begin yoga. Her videos on You Tube are free and easy to follow.
- Holy Yoga-Brooke Boone is the founder of this yoga plan. She incorporates Scripture reading with her workouts. The aspect of Biblical focus may be the encouragement you need!
- Free plans to do on your own are walking, swimming, riding a bicycle, pilates, and strength training.
Approved best ways to exercise with fibromylagia are key to living!
The key is to move our bodies. We do not need to fear hurting ourselves even when we are hurting. If a doctor has approved us to move then we must try to move. This gives us flexibility, a decrease in inflammation, and better mobility. We know that movement is a key to better health. Another fact is that most of us are approved to move. Do not let our chronic pain have the last word. The next approved best way to live with fibromyalgia and chronic pain is by exercising.