The mystery of multiple chemical sensitivity and fibromyalgia is one that most people do not even consider upon learning they have fibro and chronic fatigue syndrome. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) can cause havoc on ones body. Low doses of chemicals found in perfumes, cleaners, cigarette smoke, and paint fumes can cause an allergic-like reaction to those with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).
What is Multiple Chemical Sensitivity?
Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), also known as idiopathic environmental intolerances (IEI), is an unrecognized and controversial diagnosis characterized by chronic symptoms attributed to exposure to low levels of commonly used chemicals. Commonly attributed substances include scented products (e.g. perfumes), pesticides, plastics, synthetic fabrics, smoke, petroleum products, and paint fumes.
The following symptoms were the most reported in the condition: headache, fatigue, confusion, depression, shortness of breath, arthralgia, myalgia, nausea, dizziness, memory problems.These symptoms, although they can be disabling, are called non-specific because they are not associated with any single specific medical condition.
How to Determine if You Have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Currently most diagnosis of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is discovered by self-reporting. The mystery of multiple chemical sensitivity and fibromyaglia patients remains just that-a mystery. The simple task of a diagnostic test to determine if one has MCS is not yet available. There is also question if this is a simple allergic reaction or a genetic trait. A genetic trait would suggest that you are predisposed to be hypersensitive to low-level chemical exposure. These hypothesis are found by researchers currently find this implausible.

What Is the Treatment for MCS
There is no single proven treatment for MCS. The goal of someone suffering with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is to lessen the exposure to chemicals. The mystery of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity can be overcome by knowing the chemicals that trigger a reaction in your body then removing them from your daily exposure.
With skin being the largest organ in our body, we find that items we touch, ingest by smell or taste can be an irritant. The soaps, shampoos, detergents, sprays, lotions and more are all something that we must examine the ingredients list.
How We Solve The Mystery of MCS and Fibro
In our home, we have begun to use plant based products for everything from hand soap, shampoos to laundry detergent. On a monthly basis, I place an order for the items we need the most to run our home more healthily. The mystery to unlock treatment for my Multiple Chemical Sensitivity comes from Melalueca. The world’s largest wellness company is where we shop. By using nature, Melaleuca unlocks the mystery of TMCS for many customers. If you want to know more about Melaleuca and the products available to you, then fill out the form below.
Mystery of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Fibro
The mystery of multiple chemical sensitivity and fibromyalgia can be quickly help by learning the chemicals in which you have an extreme reaction. By educating ourselves on these items, we then empower ourselves with the key to unlock the mystery. Once we unlock the mystery of MCS in our own health journey then we can begin to find healing.
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