There are a dozen most common mistakes that fibro patients make in their journey with chronic illness. Many of these mistakes are quick fixes while others may take extra effort on your part to correct. Today we will look at these 12 common mistakes, and simple ways to turn them into wins.
The first most common mistake fibro patients make is not tracking your pain. Today most people have a smart phone at their disposal. There are apps that will track this information for you as an easy solution. If you are not one who uses a smart phone then a simple notebook that you can drop in your pocket or purse. You simply jot down the date, how you feel, weather, food, movement, stressors and any other trigger. You can easily begin to see a pattern for flairs once you are tracking your pain.
The Second Most Common Mistake Fibro Patients Make is
that we oftentimes expect too much from medications. Medications approved for the treatment of fibromyalgia are not a fix-all for every person experiencing the pain of fibromyalgia. We expect these medications to cure us, and honestly if there were a cure then so many of us would not suffer daily. Do not mistake a medication for being your only answer to pain relief. If you encounter someone who tells you a certain medication is “The Answer” to all of your problems then run quickly!
You need to consult your physician regarding any medication for your fibro symptoms. Another good thing to keep in mind regarding medication is that some medicines cause other symptoms to occur so be wary of taking too much medication just to quick fix a problem. The most common mistake that we make as fibro patients can easily grow larger by the amount of medications that we are taking.
Similar to Our Expectations of Medications is Common Mistake #3
Many times we see an advertisement for a fibro medication or one that treats a symptom we are experiencing so we want that medication alone. As a fibromylgia patient you need to ask the pharmacist if the medication you are taking has a generic alternative. Generics are made to work the same way as brand-name drugs. They have the same active ingredient and are the same as brand-name medications when it comes to:
- Quality
- Dosage (how much and how often you take it)
- Strength
- Route of administration (how you take it)
When we can save money while still receiving the same medication then we are finding ourselves in a win/win situation.
While Looking at Alternatives to Brand-Name Drugs
While you are looking into generic medications with the doctor then why not ask them about alternatives. A fourth most common mistake that we make as fibro patients is not exploring what these alternatives to medication might be for us. There are several types of physical or massage therapy, acupuncture, supplements, change in diet, plus many more. Check with your health care provider for alternative treatments for fibromyalgia. Who know that you might find one that works better for you than medication.

Speaking of Doctors? Have You Found One to Treat You
Fibromyalgia patients oftentimes find it difficult to locate a doctor that will treat them. The fifth common mistake that we make as fibro sufferers is that we stick with the wrong doctor. If your doctor does not understand your symptoms or is not currently educated about ways to help you with your fibromyalgia then you are sticking with the wrong doctor. The pain tracker that we discussed earlier should be taken to your doctors appointments and discussed. The symptoms of fibro change over time, and your doctor needs to know any new symptoms or the elimination of old ones. Daily there are new findings on how to care for fibro patients, and you want a doctor who is up to date with those changes.
I’m Not Sick -You Are Sick
This most common mistake is one that I feel like is common among newly diagnosed fibro patients is denying that they are sick. In the earliest days of my diagnosis, I would fake feeling good so that I could participate in what I deemed “necessary”. I volunteered heavily in those early days, and I am a Mom of four children so I did not want to miss out on the important things of life. If I am not careful to watching my “yes-es” then I will have overfilled my life again after 20 years of having fibro.
Take a minute to say this with me outloud -No! I can not do that today. Or No, I can not lead that event! When we practice saying NO then it becomes easier when the time comes that we have to say it to someone. I also ask my husband to help me say no. He holds me accountable to the schedule that we have agreed on for that particular season.
If I Am Not Sick Then I Don’t Need Support
To go along with the common mistake of denial is not asking for family support. When we do not buy into the fact that we are actually sick and need help doing things, then we forget to ask for help. Oh, how guilt of this I have been. I am independent and think that I do things best myself so asking for help when I should is very hard.
Needing help does not imply that we are helpless, but it does allow us to set boundaries with ourselves. A house full of people (or even just one other person) can help carry the load for you. Learning to manage my “to do” list made it easier on how often I have flairs. In a season of working outside the home, it is best to ask for help with laundry or grocery buying. For me, I couldn’t work 8 hours a day then come home to do those task. I am mentally and physically worn out so the help of family members allows these task to get done.
We are Made for Community
God has created us to live in community with one another. We so often do not let others into our life of chronic pain because we feel they might not “get it”. So often, fibro sufferers hear the phrase, “but you don’t look sick.” This statement helps us retreat into our shells, and not stick our necks out into community. Why would we want to be vulnerable when others do not understand?
In Genesis 2:18, God has place Adam on earth and told him to care for the garden and the animals, then God sees that it is not good for man to be alone. This is where He creates community by bringing the woman into Adams life.
18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”19 Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals.But for Adam[f] no suitable helper was found. 21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs[g] and then closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib[h] he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
Genesis 2:18-22 New International Version
Not Talking About It is a Most Common Mistake Fibro Patients Make
Another learned behavior that many with fibromyalgia develop is to not talk about what is going on in their life with this disease. When we simply choose to not discuss our feelings, needs and hurts with family and friends then we are not allowing them into the real us. I know that personally oftentimes I feel that it sounds like complaining so I stop sharing. The reality is that I have children who didn’t understand why I had begun to say “no” to certain events or why I went to bed early. Once I stopped explaining my flairs to them then they stopped understanding me. We don’t have to whine about our aches and pains to explain that today is a flair day.
Guilt is a Most Common Mistake Fibro Patients Make
Speaking of not participating in events anymore, can add a certain burden of guilt. This most common mistake fibromyalgia patients make is one that brings us much shame. We do not want to feel bad for not participating in family events or not attending another dinner that our friend has invited us to so over time we close ourselves off to even being asked to these things. There is no control-ing our fibro so there should be no matter of guilt on our part as patients. The truth is that if we are open about our situation and living in community then our people will understand the situation.
Do You Take Life too Seriously?
Fibromyalgia can cause us to settle into a mindset of doing what is necessary, and leaving no room for fun. We miss out on the enjoyable moments of this life when we take it too serious. When was the last time you were spontaneous? Or laughed with friends and family? Now is the time to schedule some fun! If we plan our fun then we are less likely to set ourselves up for a flair. Enjoy today!
You Got to Move It-Move It
As the song from Pixar’s, Madagascar, says “You’ve gotta move it, move it!” To have fun we must take time to move it! So many times when I feel pain, I want to go to bed or curl up in my favorite spot and just be still. What I find in that moment is once I finally move from my place of rest, is more pain. So I challenge you not to make this last most common mistake fibro patients make of being still because it hurts too much. What is an easy way to add movement to your day that won’t add to your painful day? Walk to the mail box a couple of times. Swimming is easy on the joints and is refreshing on a hot Summer day. I have shared before about yoga for people with Autoimmune Disease-read about that here. What is a way you can add fun to your day? Share in the comments…
Most Common Mistakes can Turn to Opportunities for Growth
Now that we have looked at the most common mistakes fibro patients make, you can turn them into opportunities for growth. Take a common mistake you have been making and find its alternative. Practice that new way to doing things before you move on to another common mistake. You can choose to live a better life with fibro!