Your mind is racing and the pain does not stop. This Pain Journey that you find yourself on has taken all of your joy over the years. What if I told you that I had a cure? -a proven way to find joy in your pain journey.
I hear the grumbling now. You can’t help me. My pain is worse than yours. I lost my joy a very long time ago and now I am left to suffer. No one understands me not even you. We have discussed the Best Ways to FInd Joy in Your Journey here, but today we take a deeper dive. Well, I beg you to stick with me today. Let’s start a new journey to joy today.
How to Find Joy in Your Journey
We first have to step off the pain pity party to begin our journey. Can you give me a few minutes of that today? Good! Now you are ready to begin your journey to finding joy!
Joy is a choice. I mean you have to actually Choose Joy over the pain pity party that you are feeling. I have been there on those really hard pain days, and yes, I have chosen to go to bed. The best days are when I actually push through the pain and choose joy despite my circumstances.

Proven Way to Find Joy in Your Pain Journey
The proven way to find joy in your pain journey is simple. You have chosen joy today so now you must look for ways to overcome the pity party part. When I take time to dig into God’s Word, usually first thing is best for me then I find a better start even to the most painful of days. As a Mom of four children, there were not many days where I could check out completely so I had to find a way to push past the negative parts of pain.
Digging into God’s Word can be your Bible and you. On days that holding a big book is hard then grab a Bible App. My favorite is FREE! It is by You Version and offers 67 English versions. Simply choose a version you can read and understand. The next part of this app that I love is where someone reads the verses you choose to you! Pick the verses, push audio and drop your phone beside you in the bed. Absorb the Word!
Open Your Ears to Find Joy in Your Pain Journey
So the first way I mentioned of listening to an app version of the Bible be read to you is one way to listen to the Word. The next way I listen to the Word is through Christian Music. There are hymns, contemporary christian, gospel, and more that can speak the truths of God to your heart. As I drive in my car, I oftentimes have my “Jesus Music” as my kids say playing. This keeps God in my mind and heart as I go along the way.
Another way to listen to the Word is there are You Tube channels that pray the scriptures over you as you listen. Just search the topic of need and more than likely a channel will appear to pray these verses over you. Many times I have put these channels on and fallen asleep to God’s Word. What a peaceful time and I find that I am more joyful when I waken.
The Next Proven Way to Find Joy in Your Pain Journey
is to write out God’s Word. I will tell you this is newer for me. Writing any length of time anymore is hard on my hands. I will also type verses because this act seems easier for now. Take the back of your Bible and open it to the concordance. Now, alphabetically search for the topic in which you need help. Say today you are feeling fearful. The verses you find under fear (there are 365-one for everyday-by the way) begin to write or type down. This will help you dig into the Word in a new way.
Lastly, A Great Way to Find Joy
is to take God’s Word with you as you go along the way. In Deuteronomy 6:6-9, we are instructed to take God’s commands with us. He says talk about them when you are home and when you walk along the road, and when you lie down and when you get up. We covered most of the other ways to absorb God’s Word and find joy in our pain journey.
This last way is by putting His Word on a card, and take them with you. Grab a set of index cards-white or colorful. Write down the verses that you are needing to be reminded of, or print business cards with verses and carry them with you. I love to put a hole in the corner and place them on a ring clasp. They quickly fit down into my purse, bag or pocket!
Feeling Joyful
Now that you have multiple methods to dig into God’s Word. You can see that the proven way to find joy in your journey is by reading and filling your mind & heart with God’s Word. We focus on God’s truths instead of our own circumstances then we turn a pain pity party into a joyful journey.
Do you want to grab some of my favorite Scripture cards? I have a set for you just click this link and sign in to get your cards for free!