Fibromyalgia does not have a cure or a quick answer to help relieve the symptoms. Many patients struggle with varying degrees of the this chronic illness without ever finding any long term relief. Small group communities online often have members post the question regarding a doctor recently put them on a new medication did anyone have success or side effects. The bottom line of these social media post have been that we each respond differently to medication. When it comes to medication fibromyalgia is not a one size fits all kind of disease.
Many times after we discover that we find out we have a diagnosis of fibromyalgia the search begins. In the 3 Ways to Know Are Your Fibromyalgia Symptoms Real? I take a look at how to determine if the symptoms you are experiencing are in fact fibromyalgia. Once we know we have fibro then we look for a quick fix to give us relief from our pain. A quick fix often times comes in the form of medication we think, but what we find is that medicine is not a one size fits all kind of diseaese.
What is meant by medication is not a one size fits all?
There are a few medications like antidepresants can help with sympathetic nervous system and serotontin imbalances in our brains. There are medications that help with neuropathy in our extremities. Some patients take prescriptions to manage the myofacial pain they feel in their bodies. While we each take differing medications for differing symptoms we also require differing doses for these symptoms to find any relief. Many times there are patients who have run through all of the prescription choices available and have found no relief.

The Answer for Fibro Suffers Is
In a world where one medication does not fit all fibromyalgia sufferers the same as another makes you ask what is the answer to what will help the average fibro sufferer? Well to be the bearer of not great news, it has to be nothing definitive. Each patient is different so you must consult your own doctor to determine what will work best for your own symptoms. Experience shows that you can not look at how a medication effects another person to determine how it will effect you. Your prescribed medication may work perfectly for your symptoms without side effects while someone else may have had no results or horrible side effects.
What is the Point
The most important thing you should take away is that medication for fibromyalgia is not a one size fits all treatment. The symptoms and effects of fibro differ from patient to patient so does the medication. As a patient you need to consult your own doctor to determine the best course of treatment for your body and your needs. While asking others what has helped them overcome the aliments of fibro can point you in a direction, it doesn’t mean that it is the right direction for your body. Team up with your doctor to determine what will work best for you. It is also helpful to use other methods besides medication to help overcome side effects of fibromyalgia. Medication often times mask the symptoms. There is no known cure for fibro. Looking for alternative ways to relieve symptoms may bring relief. With the help of your doctor, search for the best options for your body.