There are times in your life when you find yourself facing news of a diagnosis that you do not know what the outcome truly means. A cureable disease or a death sentence, the diagnosis doesn’t matter. No matter what news you hear from the doctor the thing that you have to remind yourself is that it is important to trust God in the diagnosis.
What does the word trust mean? According to Merriam-Webster, trust, in this case, is defined as an intransative verb.
a. to place confidence in:Depend.
b. to be confident:Hope
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Why Is It Important to Trust God?
The first reason it is important to trust God in the diagnosis is that He knows the answers already. There is not a day of our lives that God does not know how it will end. It tells us in Proverbs 3,
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV
When we trust in Him with all of our hearts, and acknowlege Him as the the one in control of it all then we will find that He guides us down a path toward the right direction that He had planned for us. His ways are higher than ours and He knows the plan better than we do. If we stop trying to control things, then God can us our story our path for His glory. He uses even the most unlikely story and the road that seems very uneven and rocky to make clear pathways that lead to Him.

Trusting Leads to Surrender
As we learn to trust God in the diagnosis then we find that we surrender our situations and outcomes to Him. God is able to move into those situations and work His mighy hand in our pain and suffering. Recently, I have met two friends who have metastatic breast cancer. Both of these women are young and were diagnosed at a very young age. God has placed on both of their hearts to share through spoken and written word their stories. God is using them to save lives. They could easily go home, be sad, plan out their last days to do things the way they wanted. Both of these young women are living their last days for the Lord. They are surrendering what days they have left to Him! They have decided that it is important to truly trusting God in the diagnosis.
Trust, Surrender and Obey
Once you learn to trust God in the diagnosis and you surrender to what He is calling you to live out your life doing for Him then you must obey that call. Do you ever feel God moving in your Spirit? The gentle nudge from the Savior, a whisper in your gut or a song that speaks to your heart. God is moving in you to do something. Do you follow through and obey?
When He ask us to trust Him, it is more than a simple confirmation conversation to God that ok you will trust Him with that thing now. It is the follow through. You need to “do that thing” He has been nudging you to do. If it is to share your story with a group or a neighbor then share.Is it to live out your days without complaint, but full of joy then be joyful. Or is it to volunteer by knitting hats for cancer patients because you are a survior then girl teach yourself to knit. Trust, surrender and obey are all important pieces to trusting God in the diagnosis.
Remember that He knows the outcome already. He is wanting you to live this life that He has given you to the fullest. What is holding you back? Start making it important to trust God in the diagnosis today!