When you find yourself facing a new diagnosis, the first response is usually that of anxiety and worry over the worst case senarios. There can be an alternative to this glass half empty approach to your medical issues. So you are asking yourself-How to have more daring belief vs anxious grief? Let’s take a look at five ways to have that daring belief in your diagnosis.
The first way to have a daring belief is to stop in the moment of reality of hearing the diagnosis and pray. Ask God for guidance and wisdom. You will need God’s strength to overcome any anxiety and grief that will overwhelm you. You need His wisdom to guide you through decisions that you will face over treatments and care.
God is Where to Find Daring Belief
In 1 Peter 5:7 we read that
casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.
God cares for us and all of our worries. He wants us to bring the things that concern us before His feet. God is big enough to handle our burdens and cares. He takes our grief and collects each tear we shed in a bottle. These promises help us on our journey towards belief.
Promises of God are the Second way to find Daring Belief vs. Anxious Grief
What are the promises of God? God’s promises are found in His Word. When we spend time reading His Words in the Bible daily then we will know His Truth. That truth will then set us free from anxious grief. We will live in the freedom of a daring belief in Him. In knowing God’s truth, we will know that He knows every hair on our head. He knows every need we have even before we do. We are created in His image. He grieves that we are hurting over sickness. He also promises us a hope and a future and a life eternal in Heaven with Him. These truths are all found in His Word-the Bible. These words are a hope that dares you to believe that He has defeated death and the grave. On earth our days are limited, but in heaven we are with God eternally. What a joy!

When you study God’s Truths for yourself, then you find hope that fills your soul. When the anxiety and grief of your diagnosis creeps into your soul, then you can overcome those darkest days with His truth. You can speak God’s truth over those negative lies that Satan tries to fill your heart and mind.
Community is the Third Way We Find Daring Belief
Being apart of a community of believers you will find that when you can not move forward in your own hope, that community can help you. Those community members can pray for you, help out where needed in your sickness with family needs or financial burdens. God says that we are not meant to do this life alone. He gave Eve to Adam because he saw that live was not good for him until He place a sutible helper for him in the Garden. God places people in community with us to be our helpers. He gave Moses a helper in Aaron who was there to hold up his arms when needed strength and to speak when Moses couldn’t. Who does God place in your community path to be a helper that draws you to daring belief vs. that overwhelming anxious grief in your diagnosis?
Listen to God When He is Speaking
Are you still before God? So many times we are spinning through our schedules and this life that we don’ t have time to stop and be still before the Lord. In Psalm 46:10, we read that we are to “Be Still and know that He is God”. When we are still before God then we can hear His voice. In the early days of my fibromylagia diagnosis, I found that the pain was so bad that all I could do was lay down. I read the Bible and listened to Christian music. In those days, I learned that God was speaking. He was telling me to be still and know Him.
Unfortunately, it take a big sickeness to make me be still to listen. Are you the same way? Do you spin so fast through life, doing your own agenda that you forget to listen? Is He asking you to Be Still? I have a friend who didn’t grow up in church necessarily like I did- she didn’t go reguarly. She had knowledge of God, but it wasn’t a weekly thing. Her memories are of hearing him from a young age. She has had several big events in her life where she has heard God speak. All the while she says, she wasn’t walking closely with God through these times. She has begun in the past 5 years to draw closer to God. She recently was diagnosed with a terminal illness. God spoke to her as she awaited the results of her test. He told her that it was not going to be good, but that He would use her to tell others. He is using her and she is using the time she has left to have a more daring belief vs anxious grief.
Daring Belief Means Sharing Your Faith
My friend is living out her days sharing the message that God has entrusted to her. She is sharing God’s story of miracles in her life with anyone and everyone who will listen. All of our days are numbered and she may feel like hers are more so, but she chooses not to live in anxious grief. Her life is filled with a daring belief that God is who He says He is and that He will do what He says He will do.
The question that we have to ask ourselves is do we choose to live a life of daring belief by living out this life sharing our faith vs. a life filled with anxious grief counting the days of our diagnosis. Take these five steps towards living a life of daring belief:prayer, reading the Word, be in Community, listen to God speaking, and share your faith.