Ever have that empty feeling? That itch that can’t be scratched? The void that never seems to be filled? Are you always thirsty for more-looking for water to survive this life?
The world that we live in promises us quick fixes and easy answers. We are offered things to make us instantly happy or rich, and all the while our pocket books and souls are more and more empty.
There was a woman beside a well in Samaria filling her jug of water when a Jewish man approaches asking her for a drink. She sees that he has nothing to retrieve his water with and knows it is culturally inappropriate for her to offer him help from her jug. He tells her that if she “knew the gift of God and who it is that ask her for a drink, he would have given her living water.” Jesus goes on to tell the woman that whomever drinks from this water will never thirst again. (read the text in John 4:1-26 NIV)
This man revealed his identity and his knowing all about the woman past, but He offers her forgiveness and eternal life. A full cup of living water. The filling for her emptiness-her void.

Jesus offers us water for life
He offers us the same promise today. In a world that offers so much to fill the empty places-places we may not even realize are empty. Jesus is offering that cup of living water so that we never have to thirst again.
Like the woman at the well, Jesus knows our past, and he is willing to look beyond all of it to show us so much more. He wants to give us abundant life. A life beyond what we can even ask for or imagine. Could we stop today with the empty searching- the binge watching, shopping, scrolling, drinking, relationship hopping (you fill in the blank) to ask Him to fill our cups with the Everlasting water that He so longs to give us today?
It is easy-Pray this with me-
Father God,
I am tired of feeling empty. My soul is weary of coming back to fill my cup with things that never quite fill me. I am like the deer who is panting for water, God. My soul is longing for You and I know that today. Would you forgive me for trying to fill my life with other things? Would you be my Lord and Savior today?
If you prayed this prayer today, for the first time please let me know. (or your pastor or a trusted Church friend). If you ask God to walk with you again as a renewal of your faith, I would like to journey with you in prayer also.
*A faith journey is a walk with Christ that is a daily relationship. It takes work so I am praying that you and God are doing the good work together.