The number one organ is the body is the skin. It is a tissue that is made of two layers the epidermis and the dermis. The body’s outer covering protects us from light, heat, injury and infection. Skins role is to regualte body temperature, stores water, Vitamin D and fat. Often times this organ is abused by us unintentionally. We will look at 5 ways to live healthier by going chemical free.
Chemicals, you say? I do not take or use any chemicals. Unkowningly we often times absorb chemicals through our skin several times a day. Anything we put onto our skin is then absorbed in our body. The Centers for Disease Control states that chemicals are found in the body by
Dermal absorption is the transport of a chemical from the outer surface of the skin both into the skin and into the body.
How many products do you use daily?
Many times a day we use cremes, soaps, lotions, perfumes, shampoo, conditioners, makeup and lip balms. What ingredients do we find in the products that we use? If your ingredients list names of things that you can not pronounce then more than likely you are absorbing chemicals through your skin. There are no safety test required for the cosmetic products we use on our skin. The average person uses at least 9 products on their skin daily. This list of 9 products has about 126 items listed in them. These 126 items do not have to be tested before we buy and use on our bodies.
These chemicals can enter our skin then bloodstream or inhaled in our lungs. You may have noticed a reaction to strong smells like a headache or nausea. This is your bodies way of letting you know the scent is too strong. The obvious thing it would seem, but so often we then purchase a product from the same store that we got the headache in and then use the product on our skin.

How do we live healthier?
The first thing we must do to live healthier by going chemical free is to start small. It can be very overwhelming when we think about all the things our skin absorbs. We need a list of items we use that easily be replaced. Do you use lotion, creme, makeup, shampoo, oils, etc? Are any of those products organic? Replace the items that you can with organic products. You financially may not be able to replace each product today, but you can begin with a few. What products do you leave on your body the longest? Begin by replacing these items with safer, organic products. Take a look at what products you use on your children or babies. You can find a safer or healither option for your smallest family members. There are products that you use more than once a day. The shampoos and conditioners we use should also be chemical free.
Where do you look to live healthier and chemical free?
The next step is discovring what items are chemical free. The Non Toxic Revolution is a website that provides information for alternative in a nontoxic lifestyle. EWG’s Skin Deep Database let’s you research products and their safety ratings.The Safe Cosmestics site shows you products and the ingredients that you need to avoid. The free resources in these sites helps you educate yourself on the safety of your products.
It is best to do your homework on a products that you use on your skin. When we know what to look for in our products then we have begun to make wiser and healthier choices for ourselves and our children. These websites are a good place to begin your own research.

Know What is in the Products You Use
If you read the label on the product you absorb into your skin then you should recognize all the ingreidents listed. If you can not pronouce the name listed then you do not need to absorb this product. There are companies who claim to be all natural or organic, but still have harmful chemicals listed in their ingredients. It is important that you read every label from food that you put into your body to the items you put on your body.
When you shop local like farmers markets or smaller shops then you will more than likely find products made by people who care about what we put in our body. The smaller companies who make natural or organic products will use fewer ingredients which means a list that you recognize the names of the items.
Wear a Base Layer to Live a Healthier Life
Take an extra measure of precaution by using a layer of cocunut oil on your skin before applying the products that you can not live without to your body. This step will put a barrier between yourself and the harmful chemicals in the products that you are using. Another way to protect your skin is by using an organic lip balm before applying lipgloss or lipstick.
The Last Way to Live Healthier by Going Chemical Free
In our list of five ways to live healthier by going chemical free is to take note of the cleaners, clothes and dish detergent that your family is exposed to in the day to day life. We will use products that are familar to us or cheaper to help with our budget. Many times these products are filled with chemical and ingredients which are a danger. Why would we care about cleaners or detergents? These products touch our skin just like those we apply. The shower or tub you stand in, the clothes you wash then go on your body, the soap you clean your dishes with is ingested by the residue. The same way you take care to notice what is in your cosemtics you should do for the other products your family is using.
The five ways to live healthier by going chemical free are a start. You need to begin small with looking at what products you use. Take note of the ingredients in these products by checking the website I listed. Read those product labels, and if you can not say the name then do not use the product. Shop local and use organic products made with healthier lifestyles in mind. If you can’t let go of that favorite item then use a coconut oil barrier. Lastly, take a look at the soaps, detergents, and cleaners you use in your home. These 5 ways will help you to live a chemical free life.