The next few weeks of holidays are filled with rich foods, loads of family time, and extra events. While it is fun for the child and child-at-heart, for some it can be a lot. Chronic Illness makes out of routine events difficult. Here are 5 simple ways to thrive through the Holidays.
The first way we can thrive through the holidays not just survive is by preparing ahead. By simple planning we can make our celebrations ones we enjoy with our family. Shopping ahead of time and wrapping gifts as you go make the gift giving process easier. Cooking meals and placing them in the freezer will have you enjoying meal time with your family. When you cut down on the list by having family members help you find that you are more than surviving your Christmas celebration.
To thrive simply in holiday season, secondly, you need regular rest.
We often find that our routines are jumbled during the holidays. We enjoy time with our extended family and friends which leads to later nights and more strenuous schedules. Those with chronic illness need to intentionally stick to a routine that creates rest for their minds and bodies. The unnecessary schedule change can lead to increase fatigue and inflammation causing the body to overexert itself. This overexertion leads to sleep patterns that if ignored cause long term flares of pain and insomnia.

By simply taking time in your schedule for a nap or going to bed at a regular time will help you fight off the flares. Involve family members in helping with holiday activity prep while you take a rest which frees you up to enjoy the remainder of the time together. No one needs you being a hero and doing too much which leads to you missing the entire holiday by being in the bed.
Thirdly, a simple way to thrive in the holidays
one needs to spend time in God’s Word. When you fill your spirit with God’s Word then you are prepared to react the way God would in difficult situations. The change in your schedule, family with whom you have differing opinions, and dealing with the holidays being different this year can all lead to stress and tension. When you have spent time with God then your frame of mind is prepared for the new things thrown your way. You are more likely to react in a Godly way.
The fourth way to not just survive holidays, but to thrive is to keep your menu with healthy food options. Thanksgiving and Christmas are filled with rich foods which often lead to a disruption in your regular eating patterns. Planning a few meals that include a healthier option will help you fight the issues that come with a diet filled with foods you normally do not consume. Your guest will thank you also for having foods that balance their diet.
Lastly, to not just survive the holiday season
one should enjoy the moment and not strive for perfection. Take a seat and enjoy the time you have with your family. If you have incorporated the other four suggestions then your holidays will be one where you are thriving. When we intentionally participate in our family activities instead of striving for the perfect Norman Rockwell picture of what we think Thanksgiving and Christmas should be then we are truly thriving. The memories that we make in the intentional moments are more lasting than those almost perfect times we forced to create.

Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful for the blessings of the past year, and Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Take time to reflect on Luke 2. It is not about the gifts to one another or the rich foods. Jesus birthday is what gives us the opportunity to have a forever relationship with Him. We need to make the focus of our celebrations this simple fact then we will thrive this holiday season. Following these 5 simple ways to thrive through the holidays, will make your celebration more enjoyable.