Each fibromyalgia patient has varying symptoms at different times in the course of their disease. Without a cure patients are left to calm their fibromyalgia symptoms on their own. While medications can often be prescribed to lessen the symptoms the 5 best ways to calm fibromyalgia symptoms are this weeks focus.
The five best ways to calm fibromyalgia symptoms are from patients who have discovered relief from following these areas of focus. The fibro flares can find a state of calm when one is following one ore more of these six ways. When you are in the middle of an intense flare, the recommendations can seem frustrating. Living with fibromyalgia, myself, I can assuredly tell you that these six methods have been calming and frustrating at different points in my disease journey.
The first of five ways to calm fibromyalgia symptoms
is to manage ones sleeping. Fibro sufferers struggle with insomnia, and finding adequate sleep is illusive. The key to this first method is to develop a healthy rhythm for a good nights sleep. Is your bed a haven for rest? It is important to have comfortable bedding in sheets, blankets and pillows. The temperature should be comfortable for your body. You do not need to sleep with extreme temperatures. If you require a fan or a heated blanket then be prepared. It is also important to lessen your blue light exposure before bedtime. Use blue light glasses which protect your eyes from the blue light rays that computers, E-readers, televisions and i-Pads give us. The over stimulation from these lights often times keep us awake past our bodies natural need for rest. There are apps which will help us calm our minds and lull us off to sleep and others find it useful to use a white noise machine.
If you do struggle with sleeping regularly then know there is nothing wrong with a nap to recover. Our bodies require sleep and need to take it. The balance that we need to find is not sleeping too much during our daytime hours so that we have ruined our evening sleeping patterns.
The next focus for calming fibro symptoms
is to reduce ones stress and anxiety. With fibromyalgia being a disease of over reactive nerves we are wise to do all we can to remain calm as much as possible. Taking time in God’s Word gives us perspective on who is in control of all of our days and of the world. When we have focused on God then we are less worried about our own struggles.
There are breathing techniques that you can find will help to reduce stress. Taking the time to journal for 20 minutes everyday the thoughts and feelings you are experiencing can often bring you back from the feelings of overwhelm. When we get the things that are causing our anxiety out of our head and on to paper we find ourselves reducing our stress.
A third way to calm your fibromyalgia sympotoms
is to establish a fitness routine. Fibromyalgia sufferers often find this key difficult to follow. The natural reaction when you experience pain is to be still and do little movement, but any small amount of movement is helpful. The key is to remind yourself that you are not physically hurt with damage so stretching and moving our muscles will not harm us. There is yoga, walking, stretches, and several programs for those with fibromyalgia. One that is good for those with autoimmune disease is Autoimmune Strong.

A change in diet is the next key that
Many fibromyalgia sufferers find relief in less sugar and processed foods. A whole foods, plant based diet has helped many with inflammation. There are people who eliminate night shade vegetables like eggplant, tomato, peppers, and potatoes. Many use herbs and vitamins to bring a calm to their fibromyalgia symptoms.
The key to this all is moderation. When we eat within moderation foods that are grown and not processed we are off to a good start in a healthier way of living. The same concept holds true with our vitamins and supplements that we take.
The fifth way to calm fibromyalgia symptoms
is by keeping a log of triggers and symptoms. The patterns that we log will help us better determine ways to calm the fibromyalgia symptoms. This log will monitor food, sleep, activity, stress and other patterns of the day to day life. By checking back throughout the log you can determine the days of the month or other things which lead to a fibromyalgia flair. The log then gives us something to know we need to avoid. Tracking our triggers is a key to unlocking calmer days for our fibromyalgia symptoms.
Managing our flair ups give a relief to the worst pain days. These five best ways to calm fibromyalgia symptoms are a beginning to better fibro moments. What ways to you find help calm your fibromyalgia symptoms?