Words are powerful. They help us communicate our message clearly. Words are also what fills our minds. We hear the words of people of influence in our lives and the words that we tell ourselves. So many times these words effect our attitude and what we believe is reality. Here are 3 simple ways to transform your mind so that the words in your life bring joy.
We need to put affirming words in our minds so that we know our value and purpose in this life. The first step to simply transform your mind is to read God’s Word. His Word is full of truth and promises that God created for us when He began time. From the beginning God had a plan for us to be in relationship with Him and He wants us to know that we are His children and belong to Him.
We read in Romans 12:2 (ESV)
Do not be conformed to this world,[a] but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
that we transform and renew our mind not by imersing ourselves with things of the world, but in looking at His Word we find this renewal. God tells us that this mind renewal will help us know the will of God.
Secondly, in the 3 Simple Ways to Transform our Mind is to be grateful.
We find that when we think about the things that we are thankful for in this life then our minds transform from the negative to the positive. We look at our story trajectory very different when we learn to be thankful for all of the things we have been given.

In the book, One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voskamp we are introduced to the Greek word, “eucristeo” meaning to give thanks. The books takes us through a counting of gifts even in the hard and mundane parts of life. It teaches us how to live our one life no matter the circumstances well. Ann began a counting of 1000 gifts that captured the world-my world.
In a life wrought with grief, pain, joy and grace, I too began a gifts list that has renewed my thoughts.
The counting of grace and being thankful has taught me a simple way to transform my thoughts. You will find a printable to help you begin this Thanksgiving week when it seems natural for us to be thankful then to follow throughout the year counting your gifts. A year long simple way to transform your mind by recording the grace that God gives you each day.

The third simple way to transform your mind is to journal your prayers and thoughts. As a young girl I loved a good diary with its own special lock and key. This method of writing down my thoughts and feelings has transformed in adulthood to journaling my prayers. This system requires nothing fancy or special just a writing tool and paper. There is certainly a 99 cent composition notebook and a pen waiting for you to begin a dialogue with God.
There is no system or rhythm that makes this perfect.
You date your page and begin to write the concerns, confessions, and conversation with God. As you read His word, count your gifts, and journal then you begin to find the 3 simple ways to transform your mind.
You have dated the pages so you can reflect back throughout the year of Bible reading, gift list and prayers to see the ways God has transformed your mind. The concerns on the page become answered prayers, the promises from God’s Word become truths to renew your mind, you list of thanksgiving becomes a new view on the world.
Will you journey through these 3 simple ways to transform your mind? Download your free Thanksgiving printable. Dig out your Bible or download a free Bible app to begin reading. Grab or purchase your spare notebook to begin journaling your thoughts and prayers. After 365 days of this simple way, your mind will be transformed!