Fibromyalgia sufferers struggle with fatigue. Many times simple activities can take a quick toll on our bodies. How do you balance fatigue with restorative rest? There are 3 simple ways to find balance in a restful life.
In order to have a simple way to find balance in a restful life you first must create an enviornment condusive to rest. You need to make your bedroom a place where you go to rest. As a person who suffers with chronic pain and fatigue, we often times spend time in our beds. We are there reading, watching television, on our computers, phones or other activites, but we need to make certain bedtime is set aside for rest.
Make Your Bedroom A Restful Space
When our bedrooms are comfortable with pillows and matresses that offer an easy place to rest then our bodies find a simple way to rest. The temperature of our rooms is another important key to a restful life. We must find a balance to the room temperature. So many times fibromyalgia sufferers struggle with extreme body temperatures so an extra blanket or socks will help make one more comfortable. A simple way to prepare our bodies for a restful night is to slow our minds. We need to close the computers, turn off the televisions and open a book if we need to wind down. Less stimulation will prepare us for a restful sleep. One way to brain dump the things that clog our minds at bedtime is to keep a notepad and pen beside the bed. When those things come to our brains and keep us awake then simply dump them on our list to think about and do tommorrow.
Second Simple Way to Find Balance in a Restful Life
is to lessen the amount of caffenine intake you have in the day. There are so many times to endure our days of fatigue we load ourselves with coffee or soda. First of all the sugar in soda and some coffee shop coffees is not good for our bodies. We discussed this a few weeks ago in The Best Way to Live with Fibromyalgia. There is also the fact that caffeine later in the day will act as a stimulant and keep us awake. Tea can have the same effect on our bodies. It is best to read labels and know what we are putting into our bodies and at what time we are consuming those items.

The Third and Final Simple Way to Find Balanance in a Restful Life
would be to cultivate a simple sleep pattern. Take 30 minutes before bedtime to do your wind down routine. We mentioned earlier to reduce stimulation, but you might do gentle stretches. You could take a nightly bath or drink a warm cup of camomile tea. Reading your Bible and praying is calming. Listening to a Sleep playlist on Spotify can help you drift off quickly. Check this playlist out! Find a simple way to find balance for a restful night. Keeping this regular routine at the same time nightly help you to have a restful life.
It is important to find a simple way to find balance for a restful life when we have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. We will learn to live our best life when we find ways to rest. How do you find balnce for a restful life?