It is very easy to become a couch potato when you have a chronic illness or during a pandemic for that matter. Honestly, I was about to hit the trifecta with an empty nest looming as this COVID-19 hit, and a chronic illness. I came up with 24 ideas to help me through this Spring and Summer to overcome some binge watching TV.
- Crochet or Knitting- I taught myself to crochet at the beginning of the quarantine by watching this YouTube video. We had hooks and ordered yarn so I have been busy making a blanket for my daughter. I love to sit near my family and work on my project. I take it in the car or outside to to the porch wherever my people are located!
- Hand lettering- this is another fun quarantine project. I have found many Pinterest boards which have taught me the basics then I began to practice my skills. Check out the board I have saved some of my favorite hand lettering ideas.
- Bible Journaling-practicing lettering and drawing lead me to writing some of my favorite Scripture verses which I added to a journaling Bible. Find some ideas for Bible journaling here.
- Painting-our son is an artist and he spent a day of quarantine teaching me some of the basic techniques

he knows in painting. I created my very first art pieces. Getting to spend the day with my 20 year old son was a bonus!
5. Take up a new hobby for the fun of it. I learned to decorate cookies and cakes one year.
6. Scrapbooking or Photo Organizing-this is a must do now that we are empty nesters and our photos have taken over an upstairs bedroom!
Photography-see the world through the eyes of the camera lens.
Work Your Mind, Body, and Spirit
- Reading has been a favorite pastime for a while now. It is oftentimes hinders by brain fog or fatigue that accompanies the fibromyalgia, but I do enjoy reading when my body is cooperative. A few hints that help this one with chronic illness fight her symptoms are always having something to read ready to go. My night stand has a stack of books on it at all times, and I love several genres so I try to keep my list varied.
- Each morning I begin my day with a daily Bible reading. This year I have been following a plan by D-Group that covers the Bible chronologically. It is entitled the Bible ReCap. I read 3-4 chapters of the Bible daily and there are short videos that introduce a new chapter. Bible ReCap has opened by eyes to new truths from God’s Word this year.

- I keep a “Mamas Book List” to read on Amazon. My Kindle is a hand-me-down from the kids, and the Kindle app on my phone so I can always download a book when I see it come up for free or for 99 cents. Rarely do I purchase a book for my Kindle at full price. During the quarantine, I joined Kindle Unlimited so that I could get newer books and exchange books when I was done for basically free (the special at the time). There is a monthly fee for Kindle Unlimited, but if you are an avid reader it is worth every penny.
4.. I am a huge fan of holding a paper copy of books. I am even a bigger fan of shopping at your local, independent book store. When you do decide to purchase a favorite, must have read then check out an independent book store. Some of our local favorites are Square Books in Oxford, Reeds GumTree Bookstore Downtown Tupelo, and Turnrow Book Co. in Greenwood, MS. My list could continue but certainly you have a few indies to share with me!
- Listening to Audible is another good way to get reading into your life. A life with chronic illness sometimes has one not even wanting to hold a kindle device so listening to an author read a book is refreshing. It is also something you can do while doing other task. I love listen while traveling with my husband on trips to see our children.
- One of our sons-in-law is an avid podcast listener. I am becoming one since quarantine. You can search for a Podcast on any topic that you can imagine.
7.Exercise/Movement-This is not a topic most with chronic pain want to talk about usually in a positive way. It is a catch 20/20 subject for most, honestly. Staying still can be good for awhile to bring restoration to a sore and aching body, but too much lethargy is not good.
I am not suggesting extreme workouts those who suffer with chronic illness, but there has to be a balance. Check out some of the places I am researching to begin my movement journey.
You must consult your doctor before beginning any exercise regiment. There are many boards on Pinterest that have easy forms of movement. One might be interested in taking a Yoga class or while at home check on your local cable or streaming channel for Yoga with Adrienne. Two paying yoga sites that I suggest are Holy Yoga TV-Brooke Boone offers a Scripture based program and Autoimmune Strong is a fitness program designed for those with autoimmune disorders. The key is movement is good for all.
8.. Worship music- there are many streaming music apps out there where you can make a play list of songs that speak to your heart and lead you to focusing on your relationship with God. The key is keeping my mind centered on Christ at all times in all seasons.

- Keep a gratitude journal-when we focus on what we are grateful for, we are often less focused on the negative things that surround us. Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts, encourages one to create a list of gratitude. You quickly move past the easy things like family, friends, home, and begin to see the deeper things like the breeze on your walk, the sound of the birds singing as you sat on the porch, etc. The perspective that one sees changes as this list is kept. Grab an extra notebook and a pen and start writing your gifts.
Community is Key
- Call, text, email, FaceTime a family member or a friend.
- Take a minute to send a handwritten letter to someone. Maybe another person who is chronically ill who would enjoy a note of encouragement.
- Respond to a group question online or to a friend you have met in an online group.
Get Outta Here
Getting outside when the weather is nice is important to our well being. I am more of a comforts of home kind of gal. My family is teaching me that natural Vitamin D is good for me. The last 6 items in my list of 24 things to do besides binge watching tv when you have chronic illness are:
- Enjoy a hike at a nearby State Park.
- Watch a sunset.

If you are getting out taking on new adventures then take pictures, capture photos for your scrapbook or gratitude journal.
Do you have other ways that you like to spend time away from the TV when you have a chronic illness? I would love to hear your ideas below…